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CASE STUDY #1: Totes Signature

Totes Signature Collection is a showcase for Totes quality and is sold at top tier department stores. The hard goods design (handle, frame, silhouette development) focused on creating a look that is upscale, did not compete with canopy coloration, and could stay relevant for approximately five years. developing the collection involved researching consumer insights, and accounts for $500K in sales. 



- Trend and color research

- Ideation

- Hard goods design

- Print development

CASE STUDY #2: Rain Apparel

Rain apparel was a brand new category of products for Totes. The goal was to have rainwear that coordinated with umbrellas, and could be merchandised together in an accessory department. Jackets and ponchos needed to be largely unstructured so that the items could remain as a "one size fits most" item. Additionally, fabric was to be water repellant, packable and breathable. The challenge was to create compelling designs that would coordinate with umbrella products, while also remaining profitable in a crowded market. 



- Manufacturer coordination/vetting, tariff code research

- Ideation and design CADs

- Pattern making

- Photoshoot styling

CASE STUDY #3: Isotoner Cabanas Slippers

This collection revitalized the Spring business for Isotoner. With its bold colors and fun silhouettes, Cabanas became a Springtime staple of the Isotoner footwear business model. Previous business consisted of basic replenishment styles only. Selling the Cabanas collection increased Spring sales by $2.6M.



- Trend and color research
- Ideation, design sketching

- Line building

- Sales and Marketing presentations